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Locus Review of Conjunctions: 78: Fear Itself

My story “Flying” appears in Conjunctions: 78: Fear Itself. In a Locus review of the issue, Ian Mond asks, “Who better to speak to our anxieties, our paranoia, our terror than thirty talented poets and authors, several of whom have spent their careers exploring this most primal of emotions?” Mond goes on to say, “Julia Elliott’s ‘Flying’ is this visceral, grisly, subversive take on the magical ‘hag’ – ‘all skins and bones and rancid rags, crimped hands resembling bird claws, talons that snatch babies up by the scruff of their necks.’”

Conjunctions: Fortieth Anniversary Issue

I’m humbled that my story, “Another Frequency,” is included in the Fortieth Anniversary Issue of Conjunctions. I’m grateful for Bradford Morrow, who has helmed this amazing anthology for 40 years, championing the innovative and providing refuge for weirdo writers like me. This issue is a marvel, including work by Ben Okri, Karen Russell, Lydia Davis, Samuel R. Delany, John Ashbery, Sofia Samatar, Isaac Bashevis Singer, and more.



Xataka, the “leading technology publication in Spanish,” recommends Lo Salvaje, the Spanish translation of my short story collection, The Wilds:13 estrenos lanzamientos imprescindibles para fin semana: ‘Peninsula’, ‘The Empty man’, Alien: Isolation’ gratis y mucho mas.”

Habemus nueva editorial, Horror Vacui, que quiere publicar obras escritas por mujeres, pero ojo, “que dé cabida a una literatura inquietante, grotesca, monstruosa, que se aleje de las convenciones de una mal llamada «literatura femenina»“. Y arrancan de forma inmejorable, con un libro de relatos de Julia Elliott donde hay espacio para todo: de la ciencia-ficción al horror gótico, de atmósferas apocalípticas a cuentos de hadas, pero siempre con un punto personalísimo.

lo salvaje

Spanish Translation of THE WILDS

Horror Vacui, a new imprint from Barcelona, Spain, has just released the Spanish edition of my story collection The Wilds. Horror Vacui focuses “on the task of publishing literature related to the wild, the monstrous feminine, the grotesque and the disturbing or uncomfortable. [They] are interested in books with potential to map and transform our world, to explore the condition of the human being and its underlying darkness.”

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