06 Oct 2016

Matt Bell’s List of “Deeply Strange Reads”

Author Matt Bell, who just released the excellent collection A Tree or a Person or a Wall, has a great weird fiction list up at The Center for Fiction: “Five Deeply Strange Reads.”  Here’s his description of my collection The Wilds: Julia Elliott’s fiction is the living proof of one possible future of the Southern gothic, adding to it her own brand of science fiction and apocalypse, religion and fairy tale, mixing these genres with a keen understanding of where their absurdities might overlap. Here characters undergo memory restoration procedures, watch their grandmothers levitate, live in houses beset by roving packs of wild dogs and wilder packs of neighborhood children. Religion abounds, but it’s an odd sort recognizable mostly in its embrace of the cosmologically absurd.

06 Oct 2016

Author Matt Bell, who just released the excellent collection A Tree or a Person or a Wall, has a great weird fiction list up at The Center for Fiction: “Five Deeply Strange Reads.”  Here’s his description of my collection The Wilds:

Julia Elliott’s fiction is the living proof of one possible future of the Southern gothic, adding to it her own brand of science fiction and apocalypse, religion and fairy tale, mixing these genres with a keen understanding of where their absurdities might overlap. Here characters undergo memory restoration procedures, watch their grandmothers levitate, live in houses beset by roving packs of wild dogs and wilder packs of neighborhood children. Religion abounds, but it’s an odd sort recognizable mostly in its embrace of the cosmologically absurd.


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